
Ways to Give

There are several ways you can support Westchester Day School:

List of 10 items.

  • Make a Gift Online

    Cash Gifts: 这些礼物是你能给威彻斯特走读学校的最简单的支持形式. Contributions may be made by personal check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover or electronic bank transfer.  When you make a gift of cash, 您有权在受税收减免限制的金额中扣除所得税. 有关此类礼品的更多信息,请联系雷切尔·菲舍尔,电话:914-698-8900分机. 134 or send an e-mail to
    • To make a gift NOW with a credit card, click here.
    • To send a check,支票抬头请写为:Westchester走读学校856 Orienta Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543
    If your gift is geared towards a specific WDS fundraiser or program, please make a note in the memo line.

  • Bequests

    Consider a lasting gift to WDS. By including the school in your will you, the donor, can be a part of the education of future generations. You can bequeath a percentage of your estate, a fixed dollar amount or a specific personal property to WDS. 

  • Deferred Gifts

    您的税务顾问可以讨论各种信托和其他形式的递延供款,这些可能使WDS受益,并为您或您所爱的人提供终身收入. 请向您的律师或财务顾问咨询适用于您个人情况的具体税收优惠.
  • Gifts in Kind

    WDS can accept gifts of services valued at fair market value. 更多信息请联系发展办公室,邮箱 or  914.69.8900 x 134

  • Life Insurance

    捐赠人可能购买了一份已付的人寿保险,以满足可能不再存在的需求. This policy may be given to the School with tax benefits for the donor. The donor may buy a new policy and name WDS as the beneficiary. 

  • Personal Property


  • Real Estate

    赠予房地产通常可以避免资本利得税,并提供慈善扣除额. 捐赠住宅的终身使用权可以通过信托保留. 

  • Stock Gifts

    升值的股票可以捐赠给威彻斯特日制学校,并可以在转让之日以完全公平的市场价值扣除所得税, with no significant capital gain tax liability.  If the stock is in a brokerage or bank trust account:
    First Clearing LLC
    Account Number: 10838529
    DTC (Depository Trust Company) # 0141
    WDS's Federal tax ID# 13-2646183
    Please advise us of your gift via an email to Rachel Fischer  containing: 
    • Name of the stock and number of shares
    • Your name, address and telephone number
    • The purpose of the gift
    • The date of the gift
  • Gifts of Securities

    赠予长期增值的股票使你有权享受与股票公平市场价值相等的所得税减免,并使你避免在出售股票时征收的资本利得税, subject to tax deduction limitations.



    For more information on transferring securities, 和/或通知WDS的股票转让,以便我们可以及时和适当地承认您的礼物, 请致电或让您的经纪人或顾问致电914-698-8900分机Elliot Shriner-Cahn. 133 or e-mail

    Thank you for your generous support.
  • Match Your Gift

    唯一比向一个有价值的组织捐赠慈善礼物更有回报的事情是,通过让你的雇主匹配你的礼物,让你的投资翻倍! 许多雇主提供配对礼品计划,这是增加礼品影响的有价值的方式. While some organizations will not match sectarian organizations, many will, and many will make exceptions for sectarian schools. 与人力welcome皇冠地址或财务部门核实一下,看看你的雇主是否有相应的礼物计划, and if they do - make sure that we are on their approved list.


    Westchester Day School

    856 Orienta Avenue
    Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Find Us

856 Orienta Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Who We Are

威彻斯特走读学校是一所现代正统,男女同校,双课程,幼儿到8岁th 这是一所犹太学校,以他们自己的方式激励和教育我们的学生重视人性, mitzvot, and lifelong learning.